
Granite setts customisable sample box

Please select the colours you're interested in receiving samples for, price will depend on the number of setts chosen and will be shown below:

  • Small tile

  • Brown

  • Dark grey

  • Fine grey

  • Grey

  • New gold

  • Old gold

  • Pink

  • Speckled grey

  • Black

Please select one or more samples to continue

Product Description

We sell granite setts in any size or quantity in a number of attractive colours with UK wide delivery.

All our high quality stone is quarried and fabricated in-house at our quarry site in Portugal by our team of experienced stone masons. By buying from us you are choosing the ethical alternative to unregulated Chinese and Indian stone.

Samples of most colours are available to buy, please choose your required colours by selecting them above, the total price will change depending on how many samples you need.

As standard samples will be of 10x10x5cm, except Old Gold which is a 5cm cube sample. If you require other sizes or finishes please contact us.

You can also purchase a sample of a small tile of a random colour but with different finishes on each side (bush hammered and sandblasted).

If you want to see the difference between the granite when it’s wet and dry use your mouse to drag the arrows up and down.


Each sample you have received has a mark of paint to help you identify our different types of granite for sale. Below is the table of representative colours and their corresponding product name.
Dark grey
Fine grey
Old gold
New gold
Small tile

SB = sandblasted side

BH = bush hammered side